My cousin's wedding is a week away and Haute Hank has been furiously crafting the wedding's fashion concept. His vision: The guests at the wedding should dress FAB CASUAL, AKA "Fab Cas."
Question: What IS FAB CAS?
One way we could go with this is to follow Diddy's example and wear $500 sneaks with 18K gold laces (thanks to JONAH for providing this fine link):

Personally, I think the true masters of Fab Cas are Motley Crue. I am ALL ABOUT Motley Crue these days:

See? The ULTIMATE wedding theme is a MOTLEY CRUE-THEMED WEDDING!!!
Just think:
The bride can wear zebra pants!
The groom just needs to pick out leather pants!
Then he can go shirtless, smear himself with oil, and wear 6 or 7 studded belts strapped across his chest and arms!!!!!!!!

I mean, if he wants to be romantic, he can wear lime-green cheetah boots to match the bride's pants:

Then again, maybe the bride AND groom should just wear gold dresses and call it a day...

This wedding is going to be AWESOME.