1. Dear mens:
I like it when mens wear REALLY tight jeans and not just because I'm a perv. Men wearing tight jeans are just hi-laaaaaaarious, like chickens. Bahk bahk! Skinny legs!

That there is a magazine called BUTT MAGAZINE?

That there is a magazine called FANTASTIC MAN?

Also: nice shirt, right?

Picture yourself in this shapely heel reading "FANTASTIC MAN" while your boyfriend tries to get tomato sauce off of his skinny white jeans. Niiiiiiiiice...I don't get it. Oh! Now I get it. Oh. No. I don't get it. OK, how about this: You and a pig are in a spaceship, the pig is wearing heels, you're on the cover of BUTT magazine and the pig is also wearing skinny jeans. And the spaceship is a fantastic ship. whoa. this should tide you over until 4/20.

careful what you say, you are just encouraging strella
my dear miss pippi (and my dear miss rosa),
that's right, i'm back thanks to my friendly neighborhood gmail website! i just hope gmail isn't offended that i only plan to use said account for blogging purposes.
ooh! funny! my new name is anna! i'll roll with it.
this entry made me cry tears of joy
go brewers!
Dear pippi,
I am looking for some clothes that are befitting of a rabbi. CAN YOU HELP ME? what kind of pants can a rabbi wear to a party? what kind of bling can he or she wear on a date? Thanks pippi.
jonah, thank you for voicing a question that I have wrestled with for a long time.
"Anna" is back!
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