I have been chastised by a reader for ignoring a CRITICAL development: COCO HAS HER OWN MAGAZINE!!!!!!!!!!! Bringin' her bodacious butt to the Americas I LOVE U COCO!!!!!!!! U R MY SPECIAL ONE!!!!!!!!!! I SUPPORT YOUR MAGALOG!!!!! I HOPE YOU SELL AS MANY COPIES AS NEWSWEEK!!!!!!!!
Also, I can't figure out how to buy it except on eBay. Any leads, readers?
I hear that you have to win a wrestling match with Ice T in order to get a subscription, and that if you do, a unicorn brings the magazine to your house every month.
I think what I've learned from the media is that I'm not an American girl unless I own an American flag bikini.
I hear that you have to win a wrestling match with Ice T in order to get a subscription, and that if you do, a unicorn brings the magazine to your house every month.
The only downside is that there's a giant hole in the middle every month because the unicorn carries it on its horn.
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