Gwen Stefani: Hello?
Pippi: Helllllllo!! This is Pippi! Great pants, Gwen!
Gwenny: Moo?
Pippi: Don't be coy. I LOVE your phone pants. In fact, I am using them to call you right now.
Gwen: Yowza!
Pippi: The future is now, Gwen!
Gwn: I pick you, Pippi, to be my special blogger.
Pippi: I pick your phone pants, Gwen Stefani, to be on my blog. AND I PICK YOUR PHONE TO BE ON MY LEG!
Gwen: Byebye! I am going to go talk to my baby.
Pippi: I am going to go talk on the phone USING MY PANTS!!!!!!!!
When you wear them, you should wear some little gold flats, a TON of gold make up, and put a SHIT TON of hairspray in your hair and rat it up into a pompadour/forest. Now we're talkin' turkey.

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